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Women need more support to quit smoking during pregnancy but there is a lack of evidence around medicines safety, say researchers A UNSW Sydney-led study of 1.7 million pregnancies in …

Takeaway doses for opioid pharmacotherapy increased due to COVID-19 and gave patients more flexibility, but a leading pharmacist says there is a lack of financial support The COVID-19 pandemic brought …

Stakeholders call for a pause in the easing of COVID-19 restrictions as the Guild wants pharmacy to be at the forefront of PPE distribution With nine Victorian public housing towers …

Why should pharmacies participate in opioid replacement therapy programs? asks Karalyn Huxhagen There has been a comment of late on pharmacy social media sites as to whether pharmacists should charge …

Stakeholders including a well-known community pharmacist are calling for improvement in the dispensing of opioid treatment Treatment for opioid dependence is hampered by lack of availability, acceptability and affordability of …

Angelo Pricolo examines the main reasons patients cease, or don’t access, therapies for opioid dependence… and why many pharmacies don’t offer it We know that about 50,000 people in Australia …

Opioids are still in the news, as methadone patients are vilified in the press and pharmacists respond to accusations of price gouging The Pharmacy Guild‘s Anthony Tassone says he has …

The ‘Methadone madness’ story run by a current affairs program was highly irresponsible, writes Anthony Tassone This was an appalling piece trying desperately to parade as journalism which could only …

The ACT’s opioid maintenance guidelines have been strengthened, with take-away dosing limits to be reviewed in 2018 Minister for Health and Wellbeing Meegan Fitzharris has announced the ACT’s existing opioid …

Four pharmacy licensees have faced Panel Hearings on charges including discrepancies with S8s – with one case including pharmacotherapy drugs The Victorian Pharmacy Authority outlined four Panel Hearing cases held …

NSW Health is set to invest in training pharmacists and GPs in providing treatment for opioid addiction Following the expiration of its current training tender for the NSW Health Opioid …

Pharmacists need to get off their “high horses” about pharmacotherapy, according to a pharmacist profiled by the ABC This week ABC News ran a feature on the “opioid addiction crisis” …