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pharmacy history

US pharmacists report record burnout; heritage Irish pharmacy shopfront to become museum; what pharmacy has in common with powerlifting Cranbury, New Jersey: US pharmacy publication Pharmacy Times has conducted a …

It’s 1924 and while some in the pharmacy sector may be looking jealously at other industries, the Australasian Journal of Pharmacy notes other businesses have it tougher  The editorial in …

It’s June 1894, and the AJP reports on the case of a man who styled himself a “consulting herbalist” working from home – and what it meant for pharmacy ownership …

It’s 1984 and relations between the community pharmacy sector and the Labor government are somewhat less than cordial  The Labor party appeared to be set on driving pharmacists onto the …

Health professionals need to put “personal squabbles and disputes” over scope of practice to one side for the betterment of public health  It’s May 1934 and the Australasian Journal of …

Pharmacists are being warned that a long-time ally “may soon be turned into an enemy”, through the creation of a government-backed monopoly  It’s 1949 and the Australasian Journal of Pharmacy …

To everything there is a season, the AJP wrote in 1964 – as the season of weighing up professional quality against price came around again W.R.Cutler wrote a guest editorial …

Pharmacists need to highlight the value they offer as greedy grocers snatch front-of-shop sales  It’s April 1934, and GG Jewkes, the vice president of the Federated Pharmaceutical Service Guild of …

Should pharmacy workers be compensated if they are brought down by anthrax, arsenic poisoning or phosphorus poisoning? Our 1914 issue had the answer Industrial relations were on the agenda in …

In between advertising Queen Macassar Oil for setting victory rolls in place and announcing that housewives needed Scrubb’s Cloudy Ammonia, the AJP told us that many Australians had a case …

Newsagents’ “cosy systems of exclusivity” watched by pharmacy as OTC medications head to supermarkets…and should drugs be distributed only through doctors? Welcome to April 1979… Our April 1979 issue opens …

Should only registered pharmacists be able to dispense therapeutic goods? Following the “great sensation amongst the druggists in this city” – namely, a lawsuit over wrongful dispensing – pharmacists of …