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Professional Pharmacists Australia

Government must support employee pharmacists if new vaping laws are to be successful  Employee pharmacists fear they will face increased workloads and be exposed to aggressive and abusive patient behaviour, because …

Government urged to show it’s serious about supporting pharmacy by extending Commonwealth Prac Payments to pharmacy students  Professional Pharmacists Australia is adding its voice to calls for government support to …

Professional Pharmacists Australia is accusing the Guild of creating unnecessary panic over the introduction of 60-day dispensing  The union has dubbed warnings of job losses and pharmacy closures in a …

Pharmacy union asked to gauge members’ views on the need for retail pharmacists to be included in the Western Australia’s priority occupation list  Pharmacists with experience of working in remote …

Professional organisations unite to show their support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament  Ahead of Saturday’s (14 October 2023) referendum on the Voice to Parliament, the Society of Hospital Pharmacists …

Increase in union membership helps Professional Pharmacists Australia land Epic pay deal  Pharmacy staff covered by Epic Pharmacy Services’ new pay deal are set to see wages rise by an …

Employee pharmacists to have say in Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) discussions, union reveals  Union group, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA), will join organisations including the Royal Australian College of General …

Employee pharmacists working for the National Pharmacies group are leading the way for others in the community pharmacy sector in securing improved pay and conditions, union leaders believe  Union group, …

Community pharmacists who provide professional services should receive a slice of the funding paid to the pharmacy they work in, union officials believe  Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) says its enterprise …

Union calls for mandatory use of the My Health Record (MHR) for pharmacist prescribing going forward  Requiring pharmacists to use patients’ MHRs could ease concerns about jurisdictions expanding the profession’s …

Employee pharmacists’ wages are unlikely to decline due to double dispensing  Opportunities for pharmacists to work in roles outside community pharmacy are likely to ensure that pay rates do not …

Award wages set to climb 5.75% from 1 July  Pharmacy staff covered by the Pharmacy Industry Award 2020 will see their pay increase by 5.75%, on the back of the …