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Topical corticosteroids are safe and effective, urge leading dermatology and eczema organisations in response to recent media reports about topical steroid withdrawal ABC News Breakfast reported on topical steroid withdrawal …

Pharmacy and medical organisations are allying with the federal government in war on vaping  Health professional bodies are calling on all federal politicians to back legislation banning the sale, supply, …

RACGP president questions pharmacists’ motivation in wanting rights to prescribe Covid-19 antivirals  Steps to ensure “there are no perverse incentives for prescribing” need to be taken before pharmacists could be allowed …

Expanding allied health professionals’ scope of practice will deliver taxpayer savings while improving outcomes for patients, Guild says Australia needs to “unleash” the skills of its healthcare practitioners to boost …

Expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice is the key to improving access to affordable healthcare in Australia, Guild leader claims  Ongoing structural problems in Australia’s general practice sector can be alleviated …

RACGP president handed AHPRA notification over private 60-day dispensing Facebook post   Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) president, Dr Nicole Higgins claims a complaint lodged with regulators over …

RAGCP reiterates opposition to the introduction of autonomous prescribing in community pharmacy in submission to the Australian Pharmacy Council  Enabling community pharmacists to independently prescribe would create “perverse risks of …

Pharmacists’ scope of practice and the International Pharmaceutical Federation’s (FIP) World Congress topped the agenda over the last seven days  Phase two of the NSW pharmacy trial was launched on …

GPs flag concerns with Queensland’s scope of practice pilot decision  Moves to expand the North Queensland Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot (NQPSPP) to all pharmacists throughout the state are premature, …

Suggestions that GPs in North Queensland are supportive of the state government pharmacy scope of practice pilot are inaccurate, a Mackay-based doctor claims Pharmacy Guild of Australia officials are “dreaming” …

GP body seeks seat on Tasmania’s pharmacist prescribing trial’s working group   Having previously walked away from steering groups for pilot programs looking at expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice, the …

Doctors will leave states where they are subject to payroll tax, RACGP president warns  More than one-in-three GPs say they would consider moving interstate to a jurisdiction that offers “more …