Posts in tag

skin care

This article focuses on the pathophysiology, impact, and management of acne, with a particular emphasis on the use of adapalene, a topical retinoid. It outlines the benefits of adapalene over …

Acne causes substantial social, emotional and psychological effects in both adolescents and adults. Although current therapies can effectively treat the disease and its related effects, adherence to these treatment regimens …

Photosensitivity, or sun sensitivity, is inflammation of the skin induced by the combination of sunlight and certain medications or substances. This causes redness (erythema) of the skin and may look …

This podcast discusses the types, symptoms and signs of urticarial skin reactions and their management, including with antihistamines. International and Australian guidelines are used as the basis for discussing the …

Pharmacists are often consulted by parents and caregivers about the management of eczema in their young children. In this article, Marsha Gomez provides the latest information about the management of …

Rosacea is a chronic and common cutaneous condition characterised by symptoms of facial flushing and a broad spectrum of clinical signs. Pharmacists have an important role in educating patients about …

Nasal and skin allergies are common and can be debilitating, with many patients seeking over-the-counter treatments from a community pharmacy, making pharmacists best placed to provide counselling and advice on …

This article discusses the management of allergic rhinitis (AR) and urticaria with over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. It will review how second-generation antihistamines are preferred options for AR and urticaria, particularly discussing …

This article focuses on the importance of the holistic skincare routine of cleansing, moisturising and photoprotection in alleviating signs and symptoms of acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis and improving quality …

This article will explore the most recent treatment guidelines of acne, including the down-scheduling of adapalene. Pharmacists have an integral role in recommending effective, appropriate and evidence-based products that reduce …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Effectiveness and safety of lotion, cream, gel, and ointment emollients for childhood eczema Emollients are integral to the treatment and management …

Summer is here and pharmacy staff are urged to provide advice on sun safety, while a mobile skin-checking station has been launched for its east coast tour Skin Check Champions …