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Hospital pharmacists call for extended use of the specialty Standards of Practice under the new strategic agreement between PSA and the government The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has …

TGA confirms the 2021 Sunscreen Standard will be adopted into therapeutic goods legislation from July  All new sunscreen products included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) will be …

Regulator calls for public consultation on criminal history standard for registered health practitioners  Australia’s health practitioner regulator is inviting the public to contribute towards its review of the national standard …

The Accreditation Standards for pharmacist prescriber training programs are now underway The Australian Pharmacy Council is now seeking interest from practising pharmacists to inform the development of the standards. The …

New standards, TGA announcements and a CPI rise all made the headlines this week The TGA recalled several sunscreen products from different brands, concerned about benzene contamination… it’s been a …

The first Australian pharmacy practice standard for surgery and perioperative medicine has been released The new standard, released by the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA), sets benchmark pharmacist-to-patient …

The Australian Pharmacy Council has published revised Standards for the Accreditation of Programs to support Pharmacist Administration of Vaccines following stakeholder consultation Eligibility criteria for APC accredited immunisation training programs …

The APC is moving to the second stage of consultation on the Accreditation Standards for Pharmacy and Intern Training programs and is now seeking responses and feedback to the draft …

The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee says it has made progress on pharmacist prescribing and competency standards implementation tools Competency standards implementation tools: The PPDC member organisations are in the process …

Consultation has started on the revised Guidelines for pharmacists providing Dose Administration Aid services produced by the PSA PSA has undertaken the review to support the implementation of the revised …

Revised English language and criminal history standards for pharmacists and other health professionals take effect from today, 1 July 2015. National Boards have previously published the contents of the revised …