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Concerns Ozempic ingredient may be related to thyroid cancer and suicide ideation draws attention of EMA Semaglutide, the active ingredient in hyped diabetes and weight loss drug, Ozempic and others, …

The frequency of suicide in Victoria didn’t change with the onset of COVID-19, however, the pandemic could be a major background stressor: study reveals While COVID-19 is not linked to …

Pharmacist allegedly helped man attempt suicide; farm worker sentenced for veterinary pharmacist’s killing; pharmacy in US COVID-19 jab agreement Ann Arbor, Michigan: A pharmacist has had his license to practise …

A majority of Australian pharmacists are in favour of pharmacy playing a dispensing role in physician-assisted suicide, providing there is a clear legislative framework  The first study to specifically examined …

How can pharmacists identify and support people who may be thinking about suicide? Pharmacists are “primely positioned” to recognise when someone may be at risk of suicide and provide pathways …

Study finds Australian pharmacists are reasonably good with not stigmatising suicide, but more education is needed to aid in early interventions with at-risk patients  A new study has found that …

The Victorian Government has promised to hold a Royal Commission into mental health should it be re-elected in November The announcement, made at a press conference at a Kyneton Men’s …

TGA reminds health professionals to communicate the potential risks of medicines associated with neuropsychiatric adverse events The TGA has issued a reminder to health professionals on communicating the potential risks …

Pharmacists and doctors are coming under fire in mainstream media over adverse events allegedly linked to montelukast Nine news reports that the mother of 18-year-old Sara Hozen says other parents …

Pharmacists are inextricably linked to medications and may have a role in helping those at risk of suicide, say pharmacy researchers A scoping review has found some evidence that pharmacists …

Work pressure on pharmacists has been discussed in British Parliament following the death of one young member of the profession Local member of Parliament Kevan Jones had been contacted by …

Drug-induced deaths are at their highest rate since the late ’90s, new data from the ABS shows – but the profile of such deaths is very different “There were 1,808 …