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Tasmanian pharmacists get green light to extend prescriptions for oral contraceptives   Expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice to authorise them to supply oral contraceptives will improve access, Pharmaceutical Society of …

Community pharmacies will provide access to palliative care medications as part of a new program to support at-home end-of-life care  Terminally ill Tasmanians will be able to receive palliative care …

Changes are proposed to the structure of the Pharmacy Guild’s national council, and members from one state are unhappy with what may result Concerns have been raised over an impending …

Tasmania updates state vaccination program to enable pharmacists to administer full suite of NIP shots from 1 January 2024  Pharmacist immunisers in Tasmania will be able to initiate and administer …

GP body seeks seat on Tasmania’s pharmacist prescribing trial’s working group   Having previously walked away from steering groups for pilot programs looking at expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice, the …

Doctors to diagnose and delegate prescribing to pharmacists as part of pilot program  Pharmacists are set to be authorised to prescribe medications for aged care residents and patients in rural …

Community pharmacies in one jurisdiction are set to receive additional payments to deliver Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) funded opioid replacement therapy  The Tasmanian government will provide top up payments …

Threats of escalation as years-long Royal Hobart Hospital dispute remains unresolved, says HACSU The Tasmanian government is facing union accusations of failing to settle a long-identified significant underpayment of hospital …

Enabling community pharmacists to provide patients with full supplies of their regular medications without a prescription is “the right thing to do”, Jeremy Rockliff, Tasmania’s Premier believes   Under expanded continued …

Community pharmacist numbers are ‘not sufficient to cover the workload’ in rural Tasmania and practice limits beyond dispensing should be removed, argue pharmacy groups Workforce shortages and full utilisation of …

Concerns raised over changes to the concessional RATs program as Guild receives angry calls from members of the public The Pharmacy Guild Tasmania branch has already received numerous calls from …

Answers finally from the Department of Health after questions over Tasmanian vaping dispensing uptake It’s taken an election, a change of government, and the departure of the Senator who asked …