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Pharmacy owners will have plenty to think about following last week’s Federal Budget, Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies says Labour Treasurer, Jim Chalmers’ has released the 2024-2025 federal budget, focusing …

What exactly are entertainment expenses? Victoria Le from Peak Strategies looks into the tax rules around employee entertainment Discover the Joys of the Festive Season Can you believe it? We’re …

Some recent taxation changes may impact pharmacy businesses, says Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies Marcus Evitt is a manager of Peak Strategies, pharmacy business consultants. Tax legislation is forever changing. …

What does the recent Federal Budget mean for community pharmacy? Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies outlines the key points Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down, on October 25, Labor’s 2022-2023 …

Medicines affordability must take precedence over populist Budget moves like making beer cheaper, says one stakeholder Ahead of the 2022-3 Budget, which is to be handed down on March 29, …

New tax office data lifts the lid on occupational income differences, and on the gender gap in pharmacist pay A gender gap definitely exists in Australian pharmacist pay rates, if …

Tax data set to be the new battleground between the Pharmacy Guild and the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation The simmering disagreement between the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and …

Price disclosure, competition cited in unsuccessful bid to reduce Tax Office penalties The owner of a number of pharmacies in NSW who relied on his accountant and staff for tax …