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Trent Twomey

Guild issues rallying call for pharmacists to become Australia’s first choice for vaccination services  Pharmacy owners are being urged to continue the promotion vaccination services, as the Pharmacy Guild of …

Rapid increases to the RPMA could see regional pharmacies that receive funding come under the microscope, Guild warns  Owners of pharmacies receiving the Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance (RPMA) are being …

Former Guild national president, George Tambassis, confirmed as Victorian branch leader, ahead of branch committee elections  The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will oversee elections for a number of positions on …

Enhancement of company’s software will support trial for pharmacists to diagnose and treat myriad health conditions Medication management platform MedAdvisor has been awarded the contract in support of the North …

Daily Telegraph op-ed by Guild boss says cheaper medicines can be achieved without “forcing pharmacies to shut” Pharmacy Guild national president Professor Trent Twomey has used a Daily Telegraph opinion …

Guild president’s Forefront editorial goes in hard against double-dispensing “Millions of people in every single community in Australia will be worse off’ if the government doesn’t guarantee no patient or …

Authorising pharmacists to prescribe will expose employee pharmacists to “significant risks”, while delivering “poor patient health outcomes”, GPs warn  In a statement responding to workforce capacity concerns raised by Professional …

Pharmacists working to their full scope of practice will not be the panacea to Australia’s primary healthcare woes, if programs are not adequately funded. In a post on the Rural …

Medicine costs set to fall after co-pay reduction bill passes Parliament, with pharmacists praised for their support for struggling patients Federal Parliament has already passed into law legislation to reduce …

Follow the Queensland model to utilise pharmacists to fill the primary care gaps, Guild president tells politicians  Community pharmacists are prepared to offer the solution to the primary healthcare access …

Skilled migration is the only immediate solution to community pharmacy’s workforce shortages, says Guild president as he decries the hospital sector’s poaching of their staff “There’s no magic bullet for …

Pharmacy Guild outlines practice scope expansion targets and calls for the reversal of emergency dispensing supply cuts, as it warns its members to prepare for more changes to come The …