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Western Australia

Pharmacists in Western Australia to resupply oral contraceptives as part of 12-month trial  Western Australia is the latest jurisdiction to announce a pilot program enabling pharmacists to provide women with …

Pharmacy union asked to gauge members’ views on the need for retail pharmacists to be included in the Western Australia’s priority occupation list  Pharmacists with experience of working in remote …

Patients willing to pay for pharmacist-delivered service rather than wait for a GP appointment  Initial data from the Western Australian pharmacist urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment program is showing strong …

Pharmacist to pay costs to Pharmacy Board following dispute over registration A dispute over registration requirements has ended in a pharmacist paying costs to the Pharmacy Board of Australia, although …

Pharmacy groups welcome expansion of WA’s vaccination program, but doctor’s groups conversely warn the move “is a step in the wrong direction” PSA’s WA Branch has welcomed the expansion of …

WA expands pharmacist vaccine scope to include HPV vax and lowers the flu vax age to five years, as pharmacy bodies call for the same for all other states and …

This Pharmacy Guild branch has secured written statements of support from its state’s Labor, Liberal, Nationals and Greens parties Community pharmacies in Western Australia has received written statements of support …

WA researchers have shown the so-called “autism epidemic” is due to an increase in diagnosis – not vaccines Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Head of Autism Research at the Telethon Kids Institute …