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In this video, Dr John Hale, CTO, Blis Technologies outlines the role of oral probiotics in each stage of the patient treatment cycle. You can access other videos in our …

Streptoccous pyogenes is a major cause of acute infections such as tonsillitis, particularly in children.   In this video, Dr John Hale, CTO, Blis Technologies explains how the BLIS K12 strain …

We hear a lot about the benefits of good bacteria for gut health, however did you know that the oral cavity is home to over 700 species of bacteria and …

What role will AI play in the future of pharmacy? Shara Evans joins the AJP stage at APP 2019 to tell us about the role that Artificial Intelligence is playing …

Did you know there is a pill that has an embedded sensor activated by the digestive enzymes, and transmits data about your medications via Bluetooth to an app? Shara Evans …

Welcome to our new podcast series, produced by pharmacists for pharmacists Pharmacists Carlene and Jarrod McMaugh talk about the series of podcasts they are producing in partnership with AJP

Pharmacists play an important role in informing patients and carers of infants and children about the safe use of paracetamol. John Bell joins us to discuss pain management and paracetamol. …

Reducing inflammation is key in treating patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain. In this video pharmacist, PSA advisor and lecturer at UTS John Bell, discusses best practices to help patients manage …

Common comorbidities for patients aged 65 and over include cardiovascular disease, arthritis and back pain. The role of topical anti-inflammatory drugs in managing pain in light of these comorbidities needs …

Last year, the RACGP released new guidelines to help manage patient pain. What do these guidelines mean for sufferers of osteoarthritis? We ask John Bell, pharmacist, advisor to the PSA …

In a recently published 2018 systemic review, the effects of 5 major drug categories in the treatment of osteoarthritis pain were reviewed with data extracted from 29 studies published from …

Gerard Stevens, Managing Director at Webstercare, is a man who needs no introduction. As the inventor of the Webster-pak, a registered pharmacist, and a Member of the Order of Australia, …