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APP2023 Videos

PSA supports the pharmacy scope trials, says its leader, but good governance is key – and in the meantime, there are “burning issues” like vaccination harmonisation to be addressed Speaking …

Queensland’s urinary tract infection (UTI) pharmacy pilot is being hailed as a success by Dr Jean Spinks, a senior research fellow at the University of Queensland’s Centre for the Business …

When it comes to the treatment of acne, Pharmacists can often be the first point of contact for an acne sufferer seeking treatment and advice. It is important to understand …

While treatment is a definitive therapeutic component in the management of acne, adjunctive skincare is just as important in alleviating symptoms and signs of disease, reducing the use of therapeutic …

We speak to Jessica Simonis, clinical nutritionist, about the growing body of evidence for the utility of probiotics  In this video, Simonis discusses the current state of evidence for the …

Andrew McManus, Fred IT Group’s general manager service delivery, addresses the rising threat cyber criminals pose to Australia’s community pharmacy network and how to defend against attacks  “The risk is …

Moral distress is part of pharmacy life; Amanda Galbraith and Curtis Ruhnau discuss how to manage it, and where you’ll always find someone who will listen Amanda Galbraith and Curtis …

What are the two key factors that set this rural pharmacy apart from others? AJP host Miranda Deakin is joined at the AJP stage by Jacqueline Meyer, Livelife Pharmacy owner …

‘We find a need in the community and we do something about it. We don’t like to do things conventionally’ says ACT-based POTY finalist  Pharmacists and co-owners Kathleen Tran, Lucinda …

Did you know that your existing customer base is possibly your business’ greatest hidden asset? Customer experience expert Amanda Stevens tells us more During APP2023 Amanda presented a session titled: …

Community pharmacies have yet to see the impact of rising interest rates on their retail performance, says business specialist John Thornett But when this impact does start to be felt …

Kate O’Hara, SHPA vice president, speaks about workforce issues, scope of practice, medication charting and the opportunities in hospital pharmacy “Hospital pharmacy is a unique opportunity for pharmacists. You can …