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PDL Professional Officers define what scope of practice means, track the evolution of pharmacy practice, and discuss real world scenarios 13 August 2024 | 7.00-8.00PM AEST Scope of practice refers …

As pharmacists start to evaluate their end of year accreditation, Chief Pharmacist, Suzanna Nash at Australasian College of Pharmacy says there are opportunities for those pharmacists wanting to evolve their …

In this short two part video, John Jones, My Community Pharmacy owner from Shortland NSW, discusses his experience of long-acting injectable buprenorphine and how it differs from daily treatments. View …

In this short two part video, John Jones, My Community Pharmacy owner from Shortland NSW, discusses long-acting injectable buprenorphine. View the other videos in this series:  Part 2: Pharmacy administration …

In this short two part video, Professor Richard Harvey MD Phd FRACS discusses the role of menthol-based rubs in the relief of nasal congestion and cough.   View the other videos …

In this short two part video, Professor Richard Harvey MD Phd FRACS discusses the role of menthol-based rubs in the relief of nasal congestion and cough.   View the other videos …

Constipation affects approximately 8-12% of children in western populations,1 including 3% of 0–12 month-olds and 9.7% of 13–48 month-olds.2 Constipation may cause stress for children, carers, and the healthcare system …

This content is written and produced by Reckitt. What is the gender pain gap? The term ‘gender pain gap’ refers to the disparities in the pain experience between men and …

How can your pharmacy build a patient-centric model and how do you lead the team behind it? Second time Pharmacy of the Year Award winner Swarup Afsar and Pharmacy 777 …

As our Industry enters a new phase, what can Community Pharmacy do to remain a key component of patient health care? Second time Pharmacy of the Year Award winner Swarup …

When it comes to the treatment of acne, Pharmacists can often be the first point of contact for an acne sufferer seeking treatment and advice. It is important to understand …

While treatment is a definitive therapeutic component in the management of acne, adjunctive skincare is just as important in alleviating symptoms and signs of disease, reducing the use of therapeutic …