Natalie Sirianni gives the latest on what’s hot, and what’s not, in the pharmacy real estate market In general, the pharmacy market is very strong at the current time and …

Research Check: is it true pasta doesn’t make you gain weight, and could even help you lose it? Pasta has a low glycaemic index. Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash Clare …

Protecting patient privacy, data and health information to meet industry requirements By Sara Jost, Global Healthcare Industry Lead, BlackBerry The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has just reported that …

US harm minimisation proponent Silver Damsen compares Australian and American approaches to the treatment of opioid abuse As an American drug treatment reform activist, I want to commend moves to …

Antibiotic resistance is not new but recent developments increase the urgency for action Mark Blaskovich, The University of Queensland There has been a lot of news over the past few …

Kos Sclavos focuses on the new mandatory data breach notification laws and what impact they may have on pharmacy The new mandatory data breach notification laws which commenced 22 February …

Employees are one of the most important and valuable assets of any business, but what happens when the business is transferred to a new owner? Sarah Stoddart explains Employees are …

In the first of a series analysing the findings of the 2017 UTS Pharmacy Barometer, Professor Charlie Benrimoj looks at pharmacists’ attitudes to pay levels Remuneration is a hot-button issue …

There is so much to consider when selling your pharmacy that some key factors can get overlooked. Natalie Sirianni looks at 3 things to think about  These include important decisions …

A national real-time prescription monitoring system must happen as a priority, says Anthony Tassone The need for a real time prescription monitoring system to prevent avoidable overdose deaths from pharmaceutical …

There are certain characteristics that mark out a successful pharmacy owner, says John Thornett In my business life I talk to many business owners, from all walks of life with …

Weekly Dose: cocaine, the glamour drug of the ’70s, is making a comeback In Australia, cocaine is most commonly snorted. Ralf Geithe/Shutterstock Jason Ferris, The University of Queensland; Barbara Wood, …