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The questions you should ask to help diagnose and treat this common condition Dry eyes may sound like a minor issue but for some it can be agonising and persistent, …

Weekly Dose: metformin, the diabetes drug developed from French lilac Merlin Thomas, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute Metformin is the most widely used drug to treat type 2 diabetes …

Building the pharmacy of the future? Rob Sztar describes the technology you need to know about We are fortunate to be living through the 3rd Industrial Revolution, otherwise known as …

Pharmacy is becoming a highly female-dominated profession… but is its demographic mix reflected in its leadership? Part 2 of our feature looking at women and professional leadership. See Part 1 …

Pharmacy is becoming a highly female-dominated profession… but is its demographic mix reflected in its leadership? According to Pharmacy Board data, more than 60% of Australian pharmacists in 2016 are …

Weekly Dose: amyl started as a poison antidote, now a common party drug Julaine Allan, Charles Sturt University Amyl nitrite is the most well known of a group of chemicals …

Weekly Dose: LSD – dangerous, mystical or therapeutic? Juliane Allan, Charles Sturt University Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a synthetic chemical made from a substance found in a fungus that …

The long-awaited pharmacy remuneration and regulation discussion paper has raised a lot of questions about how pharmacy operates, but what will be its answers? The Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation (King) …

Weekly Dose: cannabis has been used medicinally for millennia, why is legalising it taking so long? Betty Chaar, University of Sydney Cannabis has a long history, and its misuse hangs …

Lead organisations are beginning to grasp the extent of dissatisfaction with the current state of remuneration among employee pharmacists Are you happy with your pay rate? If the answer is …

Weekly Dose: penicillin, the mould that saves millions of lives Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle In developed countries, infectious diseases accounted for most deaths until very recently. And in …

As part of our ongoing series on women in pharmacy, we thought we’d step back in time to look at some key dates highlighting women’s role in shaping the profession  …