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Pharmacy has a vital role to play in the education and support of patients seeking to quit smoking, writes Isaac Bober Tobacco use is considered to be one of the …

We need to better detect depression but that shouldn’t mean more medication Christopher Davey, University of Melbourne About 4% of Australians have suffered from depression in the past 12 months, …

Science or Snake Oil: can a detox actually cleanse your liver? Nick Fuller, University of Sydney This is the first article in our new ongoing series Science or Snake Oil. …

Asthma is a chronic and common disease, affecting one in 10 people in Australia, writes Leanne Philpott. It’s a significant cause of illness and poor quality of life and yet …

Getting the right treatment can prevent heart attacks – here’s how Jenny Doust and Paul Glasziou Every year, more than 40,000 Australians die from heart disease. That’s almost a third …

Not everyone who takes painkillers for fun is an addict; some have just found a different way to cope Stephen Tomsen, Western Sydney University and Kev Dertadian, UNSW Australia The …

Pharmacies have an edge in skin care that virtually no other retailer can boast: the presence of Pharmacy-Only and Pharmacist-Only products that draw customers into the community pharmacy sector. And …

We can’t trust drug companies to wine, dine and educate doctors about the drugs they prescribe Barbara Mintzes, University of Sydney If a drug company treats a doctor to a …

With 80% of pharmacy patients being female, there is no doubt that Australia’s 5450 plus community pharmacies play a critical role in women’s health. More often than not women are …

Collaboration and communication with patients is key to helping legitimate pain patients, with real-time monitoring useful for catching misusers of codeine only. Most people who become dependent on over-the-counter codeine …

For most people our eyes provide around 80% of the information from our surroundings, and pharmacists are perfectly placed to help consumers maintain good eye health.

As the most accessible healthcare providers pharmacists can play a vital role in helping people with safe and effective pain management.