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Andrew Ngeow

Increased funding secured – including $2.11 billion in new fees – as part of the 8CPA are being welcomed by pharmacy owners a senior Guild official says  After 15 months …

Declining bulk billing rates suggest the government needs to look at alternatives to throwing money at GPs to boost access to primary care, a Guild leader says  Bulk billing incentives …

Expanding allied health professionals’ scope of practice will deliver taxpayer savings while improving outcomes for patients, Guild says Australia needs to “unleash” the skills of its healthcare practitioners to boost …

Expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice is the key to improving access to affordable healthcare in Australia, Guild leader claims  Ongoing structural problems in Australia’s general practice sector can be alleviated …

Patients willing to pay for pharmacist-delivered service rather than wait for a GP appointment  Initial data from the Western Australian pharmacist urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment program is showing strong …

Health Minister is ignoring reports showing the adverse impacts 60-day dispensing will have on patients, Guild leader claims  Evidence shows patients will be hit with increased cost as a result …

Guild calls on Prime Minister to stop the cycle of spin and re-engaged with the community pharmacy sector  In the absence of consultation with pharmacists over 60-day dispensing, Mark Butler …

Ongoing medicines shortages are unlikely to end anytime soon, a Pharmacy Guild of Australia leader claims  Patients will suffer because of shortages of vital medications across Australia, Andre Ngeow, the …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia WA branch president, Andrew Ngeow, will take the organisation’s seat on the board of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)  Ngeow’s appointment came after …

Pharmacists in Western Australia could see their scope of practice expand to include prescribing for urinary tract infections (UTIs) later this year  Community pharmacy leaders are working with the WA …