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artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence platform to aid pharmacists in supporting patients  Pharmacists are set to benefit from an artificial intelligence (AI) platform currently being developed by MedAdvisor, the company’s chief financial officer …

The future of hospital pharmacy is “undeniably intertwined with the evolution of AI”, say academics Pharmacists should “embrace and lead the agenda” in using artificial intelligence as supportive tools to …

Medication software provider MedAdvisor Solutions says it is rapidly deploying artificial intelligence (AI) to take the burden off pharmacists and improve both its margins and patient care model In a …

Medication management platform provider, MedAdvisor, unveils plan to develop an AI-powered solution  MedAdvisor Solutions is partnering with artificial intelligence (AI) specialist, Brand Engagement Network (BEN), to create a new medication …

Easy creation of rampant “targeted disinformation” about vaccines and vaping shows need for “guardrails”; study Researchers have used generative artificial intelligence to spew out over 100 misleading blogposts, 20 deceptive …

Shopper Science Lab aims to take the guesswork out of the pharmacy shopper experience A virtual pharmacy where consumer reactions to product packaging and placement can be trialled by test …

Pharmacy faculties grapple with ramifications of artificial intelligence in the classroom Pharmacy educators are scrambling to formulate policies to deal with the sudden widespread public accessibility of artificial intelligence (AI), …

Healthcare IT services provider, StrongRoom AI’s medication management platform, Strong Care, is in line for two Victorian Premier’s Design Awards.  The artificial intelligence (AI) driven product was designed to improve …

Artificial intelligence in the pharmacy is not the way of the future—it’s here now Hearing the term ‘artificial intelligence’ (or ‘AI’) may conjure up an array of Hollywood images—Skynet in …

Did you know there is a pill that has an embedded sensor activated by the digestive enzymes, and transmits data about your medications via Bluetooth to an app? Shara Evans …

Artificial intelligence (AI) and computer algorithms are being used to predict lifespan and detect malignant tumours Researchers at the University of Adelaide have recently used artificial intelligence to predict five-year …