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Dispensary shelves and an external wall collapsed in a shopping centre pharmacy after a water tank burst, flooding the premises  A clean-up operation is underway at a pharmacy in Perth’s …

Transformational vs transactional : how would your customers describe their visit to your pharmacy? Glenn Guilfoyle and Marta Stybowski break down the steps to ensuring a better patient experience  One …

Lisa Nguyen stepped into uncharted territory when she founded Australia’s first cannabis-specialised dispensary. She talks about what drew her to specialise in this area, and the hot topics It’s one …

The dispensary is the engine that drives the majority of pharmacy business, so how well oiled is your dispensary, asks Glenn Guilfoyle The dispensary is the engine that drives 70-80% …

What will be revealed in pharmacy when the tide finally goes out after the pandemic storm? How should owners react to the changed situation? For many pharmacies, the windfall of …

How can pharmacy find its ‘Picasso moment’ and break through its constraints to find a pathway that benefits patients, pharmacists and pharmacies? In the 1960s and the 1970s, The Beatles …

Despite advances in other new professional services and pharmacy departments, the dispensary remains the engine room of community pharmacy. According to Pharmacy Connect Conference Convenor, Kos Sclavos AM, it is …

Is there a way to turn off the dispensary vortex vacuum? Glenn Guilfoyle thinks so “Mary” (a pseudonym ) is employed as a “forward” pharmacist at Upper Utopia West Pharmacy …

How assembly line theory can help maximise efficiency and effectiveness in community pharmacy, by Glenn Guilfoyle Readers of the trade press over recent months will have had opportunity to digest the …

What AJP readers said about the tribunal ruling A few days ago AJP covered a tribunal ruling that found one particular pharmacy at least may not be primarily a health care …

Problems with S8 disposal processes and dispensary workloads highlighted by regulators The Victorian Pharmacy Authority says its inspections have revealed that while the number of total dispensary staff in pharmacies …

Minister tells AMA that pharmacy is crucial to Australia’s health care and that dispensary reform is key Pharmacy sits as one of the four pillars of healthcare, Federal Health Minister …