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Guild expects 8CPA to be ready to come into effect from 1 July  Pharmacy owners are being advised that negotiations for the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) are continuing as …

Plans to increase community pharmacy services will not be sustainable without appropriately funding dispensing, pharmacist says  Ensuring dispensaries are well-funded will be critical to the success of the Eighth Community …

Landmark TGA easing of restrictions on MS-2 Step prescribing and dispensing from 1 August All pharmacists will be allowed to dispense medical abortion preparation MS-2 Step and it can be …

PDL has recently updated the Guide to Good Dispensing to reflect changes in the dispensing process that have arisen from changes in technology and legislation, such as the introduction of …

Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) will hold a protected action ballot of National Pharmacies employees after the Fair Work Commission (FWC) approved the move.   Authorising the action, FWC Deputy President, …

In the second instalment of a series of webinars entitled Understanding Your Risk Capacity, Nicolette Ellis, Gary West, and Dr Brett MacFarlane continue their discussions about measuring, evaluating, and managing …

Many of us have experienced those heart sinking moments of concern or discomfort when asked to dispense a medicine which we believe is inappropriate or high risk. In this webinar, …

Dispensing has declined by 6%, with the biggest falls in respiratory and asthma-related scripts, new data reveals A new report released by Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW) has …

How can pharmacy find its ‘Picasso moment’ and break through its constraints to find a pathway that benefits patients, pharmacists and pharmacies? In the 1960s and the 1970s, The Beatles …

Pharmacy Board publishes new warnings on the danger of incorrect methotrexate prescribing and dispensing following recent reports  The Pharmacy and Medical Boards have published a joint reminder on the dangers …

National launch of the active script list database is expected “soon” potentially overcoming need to SMS patients  Experts are anticipating the full national availability of the new Active Script List …

While a year of immense challenge, 2020 has raised pharmacy’s profile and opened up new opportunities of practice for the profession, says PSA national president Chris Freeman In the next …