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Some cancer patients place their faith in dietary cures, writes Ben Basger: what role can pharmacists have in helping them make good decisions? Have you been exposed to scared and …

Vitaco Health Group—the company behind nutritional products including Aussie Bodies, Nutra-Life, Healtheries and Musashi—today made its debut on the ASX, positioning the company for the next phase of its growth. …

New research has shown for the first time that the part of the brain used for learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people with unhealthy diets (a Western …

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a high-fat diet may impair important receptors located in the stomach that signal fullness. Published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from the University’s …

No pregnant women have been found to be correctly following the Australian Dietary Guidelines on consumption of the five food groups, researchers from the University of Adelaide discovered. This is …

Eating disorders such as anorexia have led a group of academics to establish a specialist interactive, theatrical program that may help people to tackle a problem which affects 9% of …

Binge-eating in teenagers may be linked to a gene variation, according to new research from the University of Queensland. The UQ Diamantina Institute’s Professor David Evans and a University College …

Health conscious Australians are hungry for more nutritious options in fast food vending machines according to new research by the University of Sydney and University of Wollongong. The study, published …

Fast food consumption is high, along with high rates of activity but people are eating healthier snacks, according to the first Shape of Victoria survey. The survey revealed high rates …

Australians are choosing discretionary food – foods that are high in energy but low in nutritional value – over fruits and vegetables, according to results from the Australian Health Survey …

Labelling fast food menus with kilojoule values can shave almost 1,000kJ from the average daily diet of university students, according to new Australian research. The study, involving 713 University of …

The trendy Paleo diet, which claims we’d be healthier if we ate more like our Stone Age ancestors, is based on a misunderstanding of how evolution works, according to a …