Clinical tips: cancer and alternative treatment
Some cancer patients place their faith in dietary cures, writes Ben Basger: what role can pharmacists have in helping them make good decisions? Have you been exposed to scared and …
Vitaco Health Group lists on ASX
Vitaco Health Group—the company behind nutritional products including Aussie Bodies, Nutra-Life, Healtheries and Musashi—today made its debut on the ASX, positioning the company for the next phase of its growth. …
Does the Western diet affect the brain?
New research has shown for the first time that the part of the brain used for learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people with unhealthy diets (a Western …
Chilli receptors linked to satiety, disrupted in high-fat diet
University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a high-fat diet may impair important receptors located in the stomach that signal fullness. Published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from the University’s …
No pregnant women following Australian Dietary Guidelines
No pregnant women have been found to be correctly following the Australian Dietary Guidelines on consumption of the five food groups, researchers from the University of Adelaide discovered. This is …
Performance to tackle eating disorders
Eating disorders such as anorexia have led a group of academics to establish a specialist interactive, theatrical program that may help people to tackle a problem which affects 9% of …
Genetic link to teen binge-eating
Binge-eating in teenagers may be linked to a gene variation, according to new research from the University of Queensland. The UQ Diamantina Institute’s Professor David Evans and a University College …
Aussies want healthier vending machines
Health conscious Australians are hungry for more nutritious options in fast food vending machines according to new research by the University of Sydney and University of Wollongong. The study, published …
Shape of Victoria survey shows high fast food consumption
Fast food consumption is high, along with high rates of activity but people are eating healthier snacks, according to the first Shape of Victoria survey. The survey revealed high rates …
Aussies choose treats over fruit and veg
Australians are choosing discretionary food – foods that are high in energy but low in nutritional value – over fruits and vegetables, according to results from the Australian Health Survey …
Fast food menu labelling works: study
Labelling fast food menus with kilojoule values can shave almost 1,000kJ from the average daily diet of university students, according to new Australian research. The study, involving 713 University of …
Expert slams paleo diet
The trendy Paleo diet, which claims we’d be healthier if we ate more like our Stone Age ancestors, is based on a misunderstanding of how evolution works, according to a …