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Head of Pharmacy at Blooms The Chemist, Eric Chan emphasises the importance of collaborative care in cultivating a relationship of trust and transparency between a pharmacist and physician. He outlines …

Rheumatologist, Dr Gerald Tracey explains the opportunities biosimilars present for prescribing physicians, particularly given the government supported streamlined process. Gerald highlights the advantages of collaborative care between the prescriber and …

Trent Twomey, the National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia highlights the shifting power dynamic from physicians to patients in determining what medicines they are prescribed. Collaborative care is …

Professor Andrew Oster, Consultant Rheumatologist at the Cabrini Medical Centre in Malvern, Victoria, explains the opportunities biosimilars bring, allowing patients to switch medications. Given the interchangeability of biosimilars, he emphasises …

George Tambassis, Pharmacist, ex-National Guild President, and chair of the Australian Biosimilar Academy Advisory Board outlines the importance of pharmacist involvement in understanding biosimilars. Given the government supported Community Pharmacy …