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Could the appointment of a Chief Pharmacist improve relations between the Department of Health and the community pharmacy sector? Bureaucrats behind the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system …

A refugee who achieved her dream of becoming a pharmacist will serve six months behind bars after pleading guilty to defrauding the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) of $4.1m  Over the …

We look at some of the recent changes to the medicines landscape, with new products, new indications and safety related changes  New Products Deucravacitinib (Sotyktu) is a small molecule that …

Pharmacists can offer cost-of-living relief to concession cardholders by opting to discount Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines by up to $1, Mark Butler says  Concessional co-payment pain can be eased …

Rural pharmacists are being urged to share “positive stories” to show that the sector is “indispensable to rural communities” as part of a new campaign  The Rural Pharmacy Network Australia …

Impact analysis used to support the decision to introduce double dispensing would have benefited from more consultations with pharmacists, a bureaucrat believes  An assessment of the impact analysis used to …

Pharmacists will not be getting Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) provider numbers any time soon,  Moves to provide individual MBS provider numbers to pharmacists will require a recommendation from the Pharmaceutical …

Warnings that 60-day dispensing could exacerbate medicines shortages and increase the risk of overdose are causing concerns for some patients  Convenience is being heralded as a benefit of the proposed …

Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) will be pushed to the brink of collapse, if plans to implement 60-day dispensing are introduced  Plans to slash government spending on dispensing fees through …

Savings made through the federal government’s double dispensing proposal will come at a significant cost, a former Pharmacy Guild of Australia national president warns   Moves to implement 60-day dispensing are …

Pharmacy owners are being urged to lobby their local politicians to back the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Affordable Medicines Now campaign  Professor Trent Twomey, the Guild’s National President, wants community …

Stakeholders including pharmacists are warning that the change to criteria for prescribing fluticasone propionate will hurt less wealthy families – especially as we head into winter A change to how …