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The Government’s current narrow focus on 60-day dispensing and the $1 discount is doing little to ease fears that universal access to medicines is under threat from its determination to …

Guild issues call to members to join it in fighting the Government’s 60-day scripts push and advocating for permanent continued dispensing by pharmacists The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it …

The recent devastating bushfires have meant pharmacists have needed to dispense emergency supplies of medications without prescriptions. PDL advises on how this can be done without putting your patients, or …

Government passes emergency measures to ensure patients affected by bushfires can access PBS subsidy for medicines when doctor’s script not immediately available Continued dispensing arrangements have been extended to PBS …

A bill is being considered to give the government more powers to investigate PBS and MBS fraud, including claims for medicines that have not been supplied Health Minister Greg Hunt …

New figures show medicines in Australia are cheap in comparison to other countries US medicines are 307% more expensive than the median global cost but Australian medicines are 25% cheaper, …

Bill to reduce PBS safety net thresholds from 1 January 2020 has now passed both Houses, but Labor criticises government on medicines costs The National Health Amendment (Safety Net Thresholds) …

A couple who found themselves embroiled in “an incredible series of events” involving an $18 million-plus PBS fraud have lost a bid to keep their home The applicants, Zeinab Youssef …

Uncertainty for migraine patients and pharmacists is likely to persist as Novartis pulls PBS application for Aimovig This week Novartis decided to no longer proceed with a third Aimovig (erenumab) …

The media is still having a go at community pharmacy, while politicians have discussed the PBS in a busy week for the sector We discovered new data on the value …

Australia can wave goodbye to any expansion of pharmacy services unless the falling remuneration from PBS prescriptions is addressed, award-winning pharmacist tells politicians Speaking after being honoured for his service …

Medicines underspend is helping prop up our budget surplus, says pharmacist MP as parties take potshots over PBS bill There was acrimonious debate in Federal Parliament last week over proposed …