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Coalition of health organisations including the SHPA, urges senators to support new vape legislation  The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) is among a group of advocacy groups calling …

One state provides a much-needed injection of funds into the hospital sector – but pharmacists are left out in the cold, say stakeholders The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia …

Pharmacist training in women’s health and further PBS coverage for hormone therapies will help women receive better care for menopause, argues SHPA Pharmacists are “ideally placed” in both community and …

New Pharmacy Student of the Year honour announced at the SHPA’s Student Symposium  Pharmacy students who can demonstrate diversity in their learning through the Australian and New Zealand College of …

Advanced pharmacy crucial to improving health outcomes as SHPA welcomes 8CPA progress The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has welcomed progress made toward the 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) …

One pharmacist talks about the barriers to deprescribing, and helping patients feel empowered to question their medicines regimen Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, in …

One pharmacist tells how she, her patient and the patient’s medical team successfully deprescribed a medication following a fall Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, …

In two years, addressing one “unspoken need” has completely turned around how a certain group of hospital pharmacists feel supported Ione Wallace and Claire Hatty, from St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne …

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has opened consultation on the organisation’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy Announced on International Women’s Day (8 March 2024), the initiative is …

Patients should not have to pay for unsubsidised morphine products brought in to manage the current shortage, says the SHPA Yesterday (28 February 2023), the AJP reported that the Therapeutic …

Hospital pharmacists have underlined their support for better access to VAD services, as the Territories grow closer to offering the service Earlier this month independent MP Kate Chaney introduced a …

An updated Australian practice standard in pain management for pharmacy services has been released by the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia The update details current best practice for the …