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Uniform rules to improve access to ADHD medicines, recommended by the federal government’s ADHD report, would free up time for pharmacists to do “clinically meaningful work,” says one contributor The …

People with ADHD have shared stories of feeling stigmatised by pharmacists and other health professionals when trying to access treatment Upskilling health professionals and working on “outdated” information and attitudes …

One Nation calls for “sensible downregulation” of medicinal cannabis to improve access  Barriers to making medicinal cannabis products available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) need to be removed, Senator …

Avid researcher, burnout expert and highly-sought educator Dr Karlee Johnston has been recognised by the SHPA, winning the 2023 Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award The Society of Hospital Pharmacists lauded Johnston …

Russell Levy has won the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia’s Medal of Merit The award was presented on Friday evening at Medicines Management 2023 (MM2023), the 47th SHPA National …

Labor’s Emma McBride talks scope, reducing medication misadventure, and identifies the place that’s Australia’s “cutting edge” of pharmacy practice Assistant minister for mental health and pharmacist Emma McBride has addressed …

Pharmacists need to feel safe to speak up in the workplace, says a mental health advocate who has just been honoured by the SHPA Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) executive director …

Full scope, consistent funding models and a nationally consistent approach to pharmacy roles are the future, say hospital pharmacists The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has made six recommendations …

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has formally released the organisation’s first Reconciliation Action Plan The release follows endorsement by Reconciliation Australia, and caps a year of advocacy and …

Two pharmacist groups speak out on the 8CPA negotiations, while FIP has a busy week and there’s a lot of concern about “unleashing” pharmacists Issues around the 8CPA came to …

The online platform of the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) is now live The platform is open for all pharmacists across Australia to be recognised for …

SHPA has announced the appointment of a new pharmacy technician observer for its board of directors The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has also established a pharmacy technician and …