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Guild aims to turn down price and pump up clinical services to restore pharmacists to top of Australia’s ‘trust charts’  Gradual cuts to the price of prescription medicines are a critical …

Covid-19, vaccination and vaccine mandates all feature among significant reasons why some pharmacists do not trust their Board or Ahpra The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Pharmacy …

Trust in the Pharmacy Board has dropped to its lowest level recorded for the profession The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Pharmacy Board of Australia have released results …

Trust between the government and community pharmacy is broken, Professor Trent Twomey, Pharmacy Guild of Australia national president believes  Labor’s decision to push ahead with its plans for 60-day dispensing …

Pharmacist allegedly caught with meth, cannabis and 700 oxycontin tablets; GP surgery hikes pharmacy’s rent, sparking closure dispute; NZ interns address failure rate Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: A pharmacist, who was arrested …

A stoush over whether pharmacists are offering the wrong flu vaccine took place this week, as the sector continues its focus on vaccination Medical Observer columnist Dr Pam Rachootin, an …

Pharmacists are still near the top of the list of well-regarded professions – but there’s been a big drop in their rating since COVID Roy Morgan Image of Professions Survey …

Only just over half of pharmacists feel confident that the Pharmacy Board is doing everything it can to keep the public safe AHPRA and the National Boards, including the Pharmacy …

A leading doctor claims that trust in pharmacists is eroding – thanks to their sales of complementary medicines Pharmacy stakeholders have hit back at comments from Dr Harry Nespolon, president …

Consumers choose to buy non-prescription medicines in community pharmacies due to trust in their competence, care and accurate information, according to latest research While community pharmacies are considered trustworthy, consumers …

The concept of trust is crucial to how consumers respond to what their pharmacy offers them, as well as the long-term future of our profession, writes Gerard Stevens Trust is …

Pharmacies are high up on the list of shops wanted on the ideal high street, a British survey has shown A new YouGov Omnibus survey provided participants with a list …