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Stepping up to advocate for change

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Decision-makers are being encouraged to engage with their local pharmacists ahead of Thank Your Pharmacist Day The theme for this year’s Thank Your Pharmacist Day is “Pharmacists stepping up,” says the PSA. The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia says this year’s theme recognises the increasing role of pharmacists in supporting patient…
Melinda Boss has received the WA Pharmacist of the Year Award at the annual Western Australian Pharmacist Awards night hosted by the PSA PSA WA President Dr Fei Sim presented the award to Ms Boss at the University Club of Western Australia. Lusi Sheehan was named WA Early Career Pharmacist…
'Angry bastard' chosen as Pharmacist of the Year in 2019 PSA awards, as military pharmacy legend and rising PSA star also honoured Regional NSW firebrand, and self-styled "angry bastard", Peter Crothers is the 2019 PSA Pharmacist of the Year. A long-time advocate for rural and regional pharmacy, regional health and…
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