Analysis of latest stats reveals female pharmacists are falling behind their male counterparts in earnings According to combined statistics from the ATO and the ABS, male pharmacists earn an average …

An appeals court has ruled the compounding pharmacy that filled the prescription is culpable The estate of a man who died from a fatal dose of pain medication can sue …

The alternative medicine company has issued a letter in response to overwhelmingly negative results AJP’s online poll, ‘The Naturopathy Debate’, was run after concerns were raised publicly about pharmacy’s role …

A clear winner emerges from among 14 drug treatments, but more quality data is needed Fluoxetine is probably the best option to consider when a pharmacological treatment is indicated for …

Good overall cardiovascular health has been found to significantly lower diabetes risk, but ethnicity also plays a role Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the US calculated the incidence of …

But deregulation is still on the CHF agenda The Consumers Health Forum has outlined its election stance on pharmacists’ role in primary health In addition to their call for a …

Initial claims have been dismissed, but there is an opportunity to make further submissions on both sides GlaxoSmithKline’s legal proceeding against Apotex and Generic Partners over its paracetamol products has …

The consumer advocacy group is calling for a sweeping range of changes across healthcare policy In its election manifesto released on Tuesday 7 June, the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) has …

Sigma Pharmaceuticals has entered China’s e-commerce market with a plan to tap into an enormous source of new customers. The Chinese version of Amcal’s online store, launched on Monday 6 …

More people than ever are heading to the internet to purchase their cosmetics and skincare products Latest figures from Roy Morgan Research reveal online cosmetics and skincare purchases have seen …

People have been taking it daily rather than weekly as prescribed A drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease has been linked to numerous deaths since …

Pharmacists need to utilise every opportunity to educate consumers about vaccination before travelling Zika vaccine scepticism and conspiracy theories are already rife on social media, according to an analysis by …