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A joint effort: raising awareness of bone and joint health

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The under-explored issue of juvenile arthritis will be the focus for Arthritis Awareness Week (15-21 March) in 2015, highlighting the fact that reduced awareness – among the community and among health professionals – often results in delayed diagnosis and treatment. “There’s as many people with juvenile arthritis as there are…
The number of Australians living with arthritis continues to grow, while medication myths and knowledge gaps can delay diagnosis and hinder treatment One in seven Australians live with arthritis. This equates to four million people; a figure that’s expected to rise to more than five million over the next decade.…
Arthritis is one of the most prevalent, disabling and costly diseases in Australia and yet community pharmacy can play a key role in the lives of those suffering from this chronic condition, Leanne Philpott reports. Key points: Osteoarthritis is a disease and not an inevitable part of the ageing process;…
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