‘I felt terrified, but I will not allow such people to try to intimidate me’
A pharmacist talks about an extremely scary and concerning incident she experienced while working as a locum We were recently contacted by a locum pharmacist who had an horrific experience …
How leaning into imposter syndrome can help
Feel like you don’t belong and aren’t good enough? You’re not the only one, writes Curtis Ruhnau “Okay, have a look to your left and your right. Between the three …
A new era for pharmacy and aged care
Evidence, expansion and individual care: A new era for on-site aged care pharmacists, says Juanita Breen The quality use of medicines (QUM), particularly psychotropic use, in residential aged care is …
The best of intentions
Could well-intentioned recommendations to tighten paracetamol restrictions negatively impact patients? Anthony Tassone argues that they could do just that Recommendations that medicines containing paracetamol be subject to further restrictions, while …
Section 150 advice
What to do if you are faced with a Section 150 restriction on your health practitioner registration. By Andrew Lambros and Maurice Hannan In our previous two articles, we discussed …
Much-needed clarity on rego conditions
NSW Court of Appeal provides clarity on the “public interest” grounds for imposing conditions on registrations of health practitioners, write Andrew Lambros and Maurice Hannan In our first article, we …
Rego restriction warning
Health practitioners must beware of urgent ‘public interest’ restrictions that can be placed on their registrations, write Andrew Lambros and Maurice Hannan, of Bennett & Philp Lawyers Health practitioners need …
Keeping it fair
Equitable access is always the priority in innovating pharmacy practice, says incoming PSA national president Fei Sim The Australian health system is under immense pressure. Emergency department presentations are increasing …
In need of a solution
The groundswell of opinion indicates that community pharmacy has an image problem among students We’ve received a large number of comments on our recent article ‘Why pharmacists are leaving the …
Guideline discrepancies in COPD, CF
Antibiotics used in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections associated with COPD and CF: Discrepancies in guidelines Letter to the editor, by Nazrul Islam*,1,2 and Debbie Rigby3,4 Australian Medicines …
An unlikely connection: loneliness and medication adherence
We need an evolution of pharmacy practice that deeply appreciates the effects of loneliness and social isolation on medication adherence, writes Jenny Kirschner Experienced pharmacists scan patients for medication adherence …
When communication blows up…
Pharmacist and leadership coach Chantelle Turner provides four ways to still create a good outcome when faced with a communication breakdown In a recent situation, I was reminded that regardless …