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Tales From The Frontline

Everyone does it, but it’s also often a source of acute social embarrassment. Angelo Pricolo looks into the mechanics and issues around the humble fart  Totally normal yet almost always …

We’ve all heard of the lessons of Pavlov’s Dog, but what lessons can we in pharmacy draw from psychological conditioning?   My most vivid memory from psychology lectures in my undergraduate …

The next thing can be as simple as something that makes it easier to carry your luggage, or it could be something totally high tech. We won’t know till it’s …

While harm minimisation can be a turn-off conference topic for some, it is pharmacy’s equivalent of a must-see TED talk for others, says Angelo Pricolo Sometimes I listen to TED …

Words are powerful tools that can entrance, entertain, engage but also enrage and perplex; even in a pharmacy setting Much to my wife’s disdain (on occasions) almost nothing excites me …

Being a long, long way from anywhere (in Reno, Nevada) causes a first-time exposure to withdrawal from a favoured substance In 2009 I found myself stranded in Reno, Nevada (a …

Fentanyl has yet to fully enter Australia, but experts believe it is a matter of when, not if, it arrives on our shores. Is there a role for pharmacists in …

Pharmacists are in an invidious position when combating erroneous or confusing medicine labels, with consumers, manufacturers and regulators all seeming to make the job more difficult There is no doubt …

Hi, I’m your pharmacist and I’m not ignoring you it’s just that I’m pretty focused on my job at the moment  Although you may not really understand all that this …

A look into the art, science and health qualities of that quintessentially Italian dish: pasta    No food defines Italy more than pasta. Well, maybe pizza. But this article is …

Gambling is big business. It’s fun for some and can manufacture hope and happiness. But for many it induces hopelessness and despair, writes Angelo Pricolo We are surrounded by advertisements …

Administration of Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine injections by pharmacists has been a ‘quantum shift’ in the profession’s scope of practice  Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB) has been a revolution in …