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New procedure for product alerts

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Eye ointment supply crisis ends Supply of Zovirax Ophthalmic ointment is set to resume, the TGA has said in a new alert. Unused stock of Zovirax was recalled in October 2014 after metal particles were discovered in three separate lots of its active pharmaceutical ingredient, aciclovir, which was used in 11…
AbbVie is recalling one lot of Lucrin Depot Paediatric 30mg PDS, due to a quality issue The TGA advised that the batch is being recalled due to reports of the active ingredient powder not dissolving sufficiently with the diluent liquid in the syringe, causing clumping. “The clumping is readily visible…
Potential contamination of varenicline medicines being investigated by the TGA as batch recall begins The Therapeutic Goods Administraion (TGA) says it is investigating potential contamination of varenicline medicines with the nitrosamine impurity, N-nitrosovarenicline. The regulator says it "has been advised that very low levels of the N-nitrosovarenicline have been detected…
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