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The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has welcomed the results of the Credentialing of advanced practice pharmacists pilot program. National President of the PSA, Joe Demarte, congratulated all the trial participants. …

Blackmores has announced an official partnership with the Australian Open. “We are thrilled to be partnering with the Australian Open. The tournament is undoubtedly one of the premier summer sporting …

EBOS Group Limited has entered into an agreement to acquire a leading New Zealand natural health products business, Red Seal, for NZ$80 million substantially bolstering the Group’s existing position in …

More than 28,000 Australian GPs will this week receive a letter from NPS MedicineWise showing their recent oral antibiotic prescribing patterns, providing them an important opportunity to reflect on their …

New figures released today by NPS MedicineWise show that while fewer people are now asking for antibiotics when they have a cold or flu, many still mistakenly believe that antibiotics …

The re-emergence of scarlet fever in Asia and parts of the UK provides a timely reminder at the start of Antibiotic Awareness Week (16-22 November) that antimicrobial resistance is real …

Forget sunbaking, just doing jobs outside the house may result in dangerous sunburns and cancer risk, warns the Cancer Council Foundation (CCF). Cancer Council and the Australasian College of Dermatologists joined with  National …

The way doctors are paid must be changed to ensure consumers and the community get the best value out of Medicare, the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) says. The lobby group today released …

The Heart Foundation launched its ‘Move More, Sit Less’ Canberra Communique today, which outlines the foundations for a National Physical Activity Action Plan for Australia. The plan was developed  at the recent National Physical …

Excellence in quality use of medicines was celebrated at a Australian Self Medication Industry gala awards dinner in Sydney last night. The recipients of a QUM marketing award and two …

Upscheduling codeine-containing OTCs could cost upwards of $1.27 billion in MBS outlay alone over the next four years, a new report has found. The Pharmacy Guild engaged Cadence Economics to …

Momentum is building for reform of the switch environment and Schedule 3 advertising policy, said presenters and participants at ASMI’s annual conference yesterday. ASMI Chief Executive Officer, Deon Schoombie, said: …