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More than 1.4 million women aged 50-69 had a screening mammogram through BreastScreen Australia in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health …

More than 10% of people living in some parts of Australia say they have delayed or avoided filling a script due to cost – more than two to three times …

A prototype of a new class of well-tolerated anticancer agents, called CTU, has been developed by pharmaceutical scientists in Australia, and the research presented at the FIP conference. Research showing …

The number of pharmacists per 10,000 population has grown around the world, according to a new report from the International Pharmaceutical Federation Education Initiative. The publication, “Global pharmacy workforce intelligence: …

Implementing an efficient reminder system to prompt Australians aged 65 and above to receive their free pneumococcal vaccination may be pivotal to improving the low 54% vaccination rates among this …

Monday night’s Four Corners expose on medical waste should have raised alarm bells for consumers and health professionals alike, says the Consumers Health Forum of Australia. The Forum is calling …

Pharmacy Guild national president George Tambassis has expressed thanks and appreciation to former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, “for his strong and unstinting support of community pharmacy”. “This year, community pharmacy …

Australia’s new Prime Minister and eight new faces in Federal Cabinet provide opportunities for new thinking and innovative approaches to business including pharmacy, says Guild executive director David Quilty. The …

Twenty-seven leading medical associations and health advocacy groups have published an open letter to the Federal Health Minister urging the immediate inclusion of breakthrough hepatitis C cures on the PBS. …

World renowned expert on integrated health care, USA-based Dr Paul Grundy, will speak at the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference in March 2016. Back by popular demand, this will be Dr …

Too many community pharmacies are subsidising pharmacy professional services from their own pockets, according to the International Pharmaceutical Federation. FIP made this statement following its publication today of a new …

FIP President Carmen Peña has called on pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists around the world to ensure that the profession of pharmacy remains relevant and able to respond effectively to the …