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Aussie sports legend Dawn Fraser is lending a hand to a new health campaign focused on empowering people with asthma to take greater control of their condition. The launch of …

New Zealand pharmacies won’t be able to supply the oral contraceptive pill over the counter, following the Medicines Classification Committee’s decision not to reclassify them from prescription to restricted medicine. …

Victoria is leading the nation for full three-dose coverage of the HPV vaccine among 15-year-olds, new figures reveal. New figures by the National HPV Vaccination Program Register show that for …

More than 450 pharmacy assistants were nominated in the 2015 Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award – breaking all previous records for the event. The number of responses to those …

Community pharmacy would be a poor fit for the supply of party drugs such as ecstasy if they were legalised and regulated, says the PSA national president Joe Demarte, following …

Medicines Australia has launched an awareness campaign to ensure healthcare professionals are aware of and understand the effects of new transparency enhancements contained in its updated Code of Conduct. From …

Six batches of children’s analgesics are being recalled by Symbion, in consultation with the TGA. The ibuprofen and paracetamol products are packaged in bottles where the grooves that secure the …

The bedtime behaviour of thousands of Australians is going under the microscope to reveal the truth about the country’s sleeping habits, as Sleep Awareness Week is launched today with an …

The first Australian Pharmacist Workforce Summit has underscored the need for a longer-term blueprint on the role of pharmacists in the future. The summit, held in Melbourne last week, issued …

Major global organisations for pharmacists, doctors and nurses, including FIP, have adopted a new set of ethical principles, designed as an important step towards the protection of healthcare workers and …

St John’s Wort can produce the same adverse reactions as antidepressants, and serious side effects can occur when the two are taken together, according to new University of Adelaide research. …

Revised English language and criminal history standards for pharmacists and other health professionals take effect from today, 1 July 2015. National Boards have previously published the contents of the revised …