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‘In-principle agreement’ for Victorian distribution centre An in-principle agreement over pay and working conditions has been reached between Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API) and the United Workers Union (UWU) for the …

Pharmacists can’t currently register as NDIS providers to boost quality use of medicines for people with intellectual disability and autism – but a new pilot is addressing an “urgent gap” …

Case discontinued against pharmacist who refused to dispense morning after pill; UK mulls over codeine linctus schedule; US pharmacist incompetent to stand trial over weapons, drugs stash Kraków, Poland: A …

A vet has had his name removed from the register after he wrote scripts for diazepam and escitalopram in the name of fictitious dogs, which were then filled at a …

A large minority of community pharmacists are considering leaving the profession altogether as a result of the controversial 60-day dispensing policy, an AJP poll has revealed Recent analyses have already …

The Cincotta Discount Chemist family has announced the passing of its founder, Albert Cincotta – an after-hours and discounting pioneer The Cincotta Discount Chemist brand has said in a statement …

What does a resilient workplace look like, and what are its benefits for both employees and patients? A community pharmacist / coach and a psychologist share insights and strategies for …

A pharmacist who made fake PBS claims for fertility drugs had a significant disciplinary history, a Tribunal has heard A pharmacist has appeared before the State Administrative Tribunal of Western …

Double-dispensing to create “profitability crisis” like 2000s generic price cuts; analyst report Sixty-day dispensing will trigger a pharmacy “sector crisis” going all the way from frontline pharmacies up to wholesalers, …

With 60-day dispensing on its way, proprietors are looking at services they can add or cut to maintain the viability of their businesses  Just over half of pharmacy owners are …

Who has been editing Mark Butler’s Wikipedia page? Last week, pharmacist and head of The Locum Glen Kanawati posted an image of the Health Minister’s Wikipedia page – commenting that …

Combined bodies push for end to “biased, overly optimistic” pharmaco advertising An open letter calling for an end to New Zealand’s unusual direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines has been published …