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More than 70% of patients at one pharmacy would prefer to pay an after-hours fee than lose their overnight service…but 60-day dispensing means they could lose it anyway A western …

It’s efficacious, it’s widely used and it’s easily accessed…and it’s sometimes deadly. Dr Santosh Rudrawar, Denise L Hope and A/Prof Michelle A King BPharm investigate paracetamol and the upcoming changes …

New guidelines this week will ban “tick-and-flick” online “consultations” The Medical Board will hand down new guidelines on Thursday (June 1 2023) that will stop telehealth doctors from prescribing to …

Double dispensing will leave many pharmacies shortchanged despite the government’s plans to reinvest savings in the sector  Labor’s 60-day dispensing policy makes sense on paper, but will put community pharmacies …

Conversations about how 60-day dispensing will impact local doctors suggest medical bodies did not consult their members before pushing the policy, a Guild leader says  Questions are being raised about …

Strategy to “reset Priceline..fundamentals” as Silk Laser deal fizzles and rumours swirl of Instant Scripts acquisition Wesfarmers Health has announced it will be “resetting” and “reinvigorating” its Priceline pharmacies, in …

Ozempic/Wegovy sponsor trumpets results of Phase III clinical trial as its halts US ads A trial of an oral version of Novo Nordisk’s obesity and diabetes medication semaglutide, the active …

Double dispensing decision leaves doctor “flabbergasted”  Labor’s plan to introduce 60-day dispensing will have significant unintended consequences, a former Assistant Health Minister warns.  Speaking in the House of Representatives on …

Chemist Warehouse and Apotex bosses all fare much better in new Fin Review wealth ranking The richest people in pharmacy have seen a sharp reversal of their fortunes upwards in …

Community pharmacists are being urged to “keep the pressure on the government” to limit the adverse impacts of 60-day dispensing  Government officials need to restart negotiations with community pharmacy leaders …

Federal minister Emma McBride has recently returned to her professional roots and visited  a regional hospital pharmacy McBride, the Assistant Minister for Regional and Rural Health, and a hospital pharmacist, …

Limitations on the role of pharmacists are “key barriers” to contraceptive access, a new report says A Report tabled by the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee, Ending the postcode lottery: Addressing …