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Doctors are now working an economic and competition angle in their bid to rid the pharmacy sector of the ownership and location rules The Australian Medical Association has produced its …

PSA supports the pharmacy scope trials, says its leader, but good governance is key – and in the meantime, there are “burning issues” like vaccination harmonisation to be addressed Speaking …

Trials authorising pharmacists to prescribe Schedule 4 medications for select conditions is “inconsistent with good practice” medical specialists claim  Leaders from 15 specialist medical colleges voicing opposition to the rollout …

Queensland’s urinary tract infection (UTI) pharmacy pilot is being hailed as a success by Dr Jean Spinks, a senior research fellow at the University of Queensland’s Centre for the Business …

Assistant Minister and pharmacist Emma McBride has called for the health professions to be able to work to the top of their scope McBride, Assistant Minister Rural and Regional Health, …

Leaders from two major pharmacy bodies are publicly backing the Yes campaign ahead of the referendum on the First Nations Voice to Parliament With the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) …

Several GPs are frustrated at being unable to share their views about accredited standards for pharmacist prescriber training programs at a consultation event  Efforts by the Australian Pharmacy Council to …

Pharmacy owners are being urged to lobby their local politicians to back the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Affordable Medicines Now campaign  Professor Trent Twomey, the Guild’s National President, wants community …

Manufacturing issues responsible for Phenoxymethylpenicillin drought, says regulator A Serious Scarcity Substitution Instrument (SSSI) has been made by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to help manage the shortage of the …

High-profile Nationals couple Barnaby Joyce and Vikki Campion have spoken out in favour of pharmacist prescribing trials, with Campion saying rural and regional Australians deserve more Former journalist and political …

CEO outlines path back to sustainability – and Amcal and DDS are front and centre of that plan Sigma Healthcare has been through “a significant period of necessary change” but …

Gaps in healthcare services for Indigenous Australians need to be “urgently address” the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) believes  A new position paper released the PSA reaffirmed its commitment to …