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Pharmacists ‘uniquely positioned’ to address medicine beliefs

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Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Warfarin and paracetamol interaction Paracetamol can increase a patient’s INR in a dose-dependent manner. Concomitant use of paracetamol and warfarin can result in a pharmacodynamic interaction leading to a supratherapeutic INR and consequent bleeding. Higher doses of paracetamol over prolonged periods…
Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Effect of monthly high-dose vitamin D on bone density in community-dwelling older adults A two year substudy of a trial with 452 participants randomised to receive monthly doses of 1000,000IU vitamin D3 found no clinically important benefit to bone mineral density.…
Concerns raised over the number of elderly Australians using complementary medicines Almost three quarters of Australians aged 70 year and over are using complementary medicines regularly, an amount that raises concerns over their marketing and promotion, say the authors of a new study. Researchers analysed data from over 14,000 participants…
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