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What are the upcoming plans for AJP Daily? Plus, some news about our print and e-magazine We will be sending out our usual AJP Daily newsletter on Monday, 25 January, but there will be no newsletter on Australia Day. Usual newsletter service will resume on Wednesday 27 January. I also…
These are the key dates for AJP Daily over the holiday season The team at AJP wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and a happy new year! These are the key dates to remember over the next month: There will be no AJP Daily newsletter from Friday 23…
This is our final AJP Daily newsletter for 2018, but we'll be back early next year. Here's the dates you need to know The end of year close down is almost upon us, and we will soon bid farewell to 2018, and welcome the new year. As usual, there will…
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