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Doctors and nurses join forces in call for investment into aged care services, but pharmacists need to be added to the conversation The Australian Medical Association (AMA), jointly with the …

Call for Federal, State and Territory governments to work together to promote pharmacists’ role, and ‘nurture’ the 5700-strong community pharmacy network The PBS is a strong system of universal access …

A new Opposition Health spokesperson is set to take on Greg Hunt There is change in the Health portfolio for the Federal Opposition, with new ALP leader Anthony Albanese announcing …

Greg Hunt to retain Health portfolio as pharmacy enters 7CPA negotiations Incumbent Health Minister Greg Hunt has retained the portfolio as reelected Prime Minister Scott Morrison revealed his new cabinet …

It was also ‘perplexed’ about the Health Minister’s decision to announce dual listing of medicines without consultation There has been a concerning lack of consultation regarding significant decisions that have …

In the lead up to the Federal election, ASMI has called for a greater investment in improving health literacy and increasing access to non-prescription medicines The Australian Self Medication Industry …

The ALP has promised to create a “small claims jurisdiction” making it easier to recover lost wages up to $100,000 if it wins this Federal election, says pharmacists’ union Labor …

Labor says it is “surprised and disappointed” by the Liberals’ recent attempt to double the prescription volume of common drugs without consulting the Guild Following “high-level” talks with the Labor …

Hospitals will be losing out in the 2019-20 Budget based on a measure relating to pharmacy pricing A hidden detail of the 2019 Federal Budget will cut funding to the …

RACGP and CHF have called on the Federal government to rethink its 60-day dispense decision, but the Guild tells doctors to stop ‘meddling in pharmacy matters’ The Royal Australian College …

Labor promises tax cuts for low-income earners including those working in ‘retail, hospitals, pharmacy and fast food’ The Australian Labor Party has made a key health commitment in its Budget …

PSA welcomes Budget measures and calls on the government to invest its projected surplus on pharmacy’s role in health The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has welcomed the government’s commitment …