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Work & the workplace

Patients are risking getting their regular medicines late, having medication histories delayed and waiting all day for discharge scripts as the hospital crisis deepens The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of …

Improvements to community pharmacists pay and conditions are needed before they take on new tasks such as prescribing, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) says  Data from a survey of PPA members shows that …

Lengthy migration and registration processes need to be addressed to help attract suitably trained GPs to Australia, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners believes  In a submission to the …

State and territory governments are being urged to following NSW and Queensland in conducting pharmacist prescribing trials  Pharmacists’ and nurse practitioners’ skills are being underutilised, while GPs are performing tasks …

The Guild and pharmacists’ union have backed moves to crack down on violence and antisocial behaviour in retail, including community pharmacies The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA), one …

Negotiations between National Pharmacies and Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) are improving, but union leaders say they will take industrial action, as enterprise agreement talks continue  Members of the employee pharmacists’ …

With the ‘carrot’ of protecting workers’ rights failing to attract new members, some unions want a ‘stick’ to coax employees who benefit from pay deals into joining their organisations Union …

The government is pressing ahead with plans for onsite aged care pharmacists, but many details are still to be resolved, a senior bureaucrat has revealed With the new pharmacists in …

One pharmacy union says violence in retail settings and the community is “escalating” – and calls for protections for workers The Shop Distributive and ­Allied Employees Association Queensland Branch’s submission …

New data from Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) shows the nation’s labour market is continuing to grow, with registered nurses topping the list of in-demand occupations  Despite reports of workforce …

Does immigration enable the profession to provide more services, or merely generate a source of cheap labour for pharmacies? Readers of the AJP have their say   With the Pharmacy Guild …

Researchers have looked into how interested and ready pharmacists are to work on-site in residential aged care facilities Researchers from Monash University have found four key factors influencing pharmacists’ readiness …