What stories caught your eye in the past month 1. Compounding pharmacist to pay $73,000 in damages 2. Sigma drops Chemist Warehouse legal action 3. Workforce woes: Part 2 4. …

But the Guild has hit back saying it’s time to put common sense and patients before “tired old turf wars” The Australian Medical Association fully supports the TGA’s decision to …

US compounding pharmacist pleads guilty to $192 million healthcare fraud; Brazil to close pharmacy program for low-income population; robot pharmacists rolled out in Dubai Mississippi, US: A pharmacist in charge …

Community pharmacy or hospital pharmacy? That is the question… Or is it? These are actually just two options among an array of career pathways, with many pharmacists unaware of just …

An AusPharm member states: “Working as a consultant pharmacist for the last 15yrs, I have largely been out of the community pharmacy system, so imagine my horror when a pharmacist …

Six additional community pharmacy software vendors have agreed to connect up to the My Health Record system The Australian Digital Health Agency has entered into agreements with Dispense Works, Minfos, …

The state government has rejected the federal EERCD system, this week introducing legislation to deliver its own real-time prescription monitoring system The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Real-time Prescription …

Now that more funding for 6CPA programs is available, it’s time to leverage it, writes Stephenie Shea MedsChecks and Diabetes Medschecks are an important service offered by pharmacies. They aim …

Pharmacy programs are about providing health services and should be funded under an MBS-style system separate to dispensing, says AMA Should pharmacy programs be funded separately from dispensing services? The …

Range of regulatory breaches revealed in Authority documents The latest communique from the Victorian Pharmacy Authority has revealed a range of regulatory breaches previously under investigation by the authority.   …

Here are 10 key stats that reveal what our hospital system looks like and who uses its services The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released its latest …

This drug is used to treat conditions involving inflammation such as asthma, arthritis and gout – but not rare kidney disease Nial Wheate, BPharm Coordinator and Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney Methylprednisolone …