The Guild has called again for real time monitoring after data show prescription painkiller overdose deaths have overtaken those from heroin The rate of accidental deaths due to opioids is …

Millions in funding to go towards detecting high-risk contagious diseases and biological agents of security concern The federal government is allocating $27 million towards the planning and response for a …

Today (24 July) is International Self Care Day, marking a concept that allows consumers to take a more active role in managing their health The event, which is hosted by …

Here is a list of ways the Pharmacy Guild has worked on the codeine issue, explains Executive Director David Quilty Dear AJP readers I must say that I find it …

Mark Blundell and Shannon Davies take a look at legislated protections for pharmacist tenants In what are challenging economic times, the article published here recently about a landlord being ordered …

A large Australian study has deemed acupuncture equivalent and non-inferior to pharmacotherapy in providing analgesia for back and ankle pain However both options were considered inadequate for pain relief within …

Pharmacists are ideally placed to help children and their parents understand the source and severity of pain as well as presenting options to alleviate it. By Leanne Philpott Much to …

A survey has drilled deep into Australia’s bowel movement habits, discovering many of us are very fussy about where we go If you thought it was just a plot device …

British women are condemning Boots UK’s decision not to follow competitors in lowering the price of emergency contraception The Superdrug and Tesco chains recently reduced the price of progestogen-based emergency …

Debate over access to codeine has dominated this week’s news, which also saw positive developments for pharmacy Codeine has again been a hot topic this week, as the Guild outlined …

Pharmacists would dispense medicines used to end the lives of people eligible for voluntarily assisted dying, under a new Victorian bill The Ministerial Advisory Panel on Voluntary Assisted Dying has …

Marcus Blackmore paid tribute to his late father last night following Blackmores’ induction into the Queensland Business Leader’s Hall of Fame “Our journey started in Queensland in 1932 with Maurice …