While pharmacy has the largest market share in skincare, there’s more to be done to leverage the category, writes Leanne Philpott Australia’s skincare market is worth $1.86 billion… and with …

From 1 February 2018, all products containing codeine will only be available by prescription, so people looking for over-the-counter pain relief will need to use an alternative product. It is …

A new report by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has revealed trends in the supply and demand of illicit drugs Minister for Justice Michael Keenan launched the report alongside ACIC …

The Chief Medical Officer has sent out more than 5000 letters to GPs with the highest prescribing rates Australia’s highest antibiotic-prescribing GPs have been targeted with a letter from Chief …

Worrying attitudes towards colds and flu have been highlighted by a new survey Nearly 40% of Australian adults prefer to “push through regardless” and carry on as normal when they …

The Australian Medical Association has slammed pharmacy pathology testing, calling it “bordering on irresponsible” On Monday 26 June, Sigma’s Amcal Pharmacy network rolled out a pathology testing initiative, under a …

One in five Australians have “no idea” about what benefit vitamin D has Australians lack awareness about vitamin D – despite nearly 25% being deficient in the vitamin, new research …

Pharmacists are the frontline warriors in managing diabetes medicines, writes Louis Roller One  person develops diabetes every five minutes. Around 1.5 million Australians have diabetes. This includes all types of …

An increase in the award minimum will kick off on 1 July, Fair Work Commission has announced The commission has announced a 3.3% increase in award minimum rates, which will …

Wholesalers have welcomed CSO changes which will see them receive $15 million extra in offset funding The National Pharmaceutical Services Association, Australia’s peak organisation representing full-line pharmaceutical wholesalers, says it …

Body mass and evolution: why the body mass index is a limited measure of public health A healthy body comes in many shapes. from www.shutterstock.com, CC BY-ND Andrew Dickson, Massey …

A CHF spokesperson writing in the Guardian has taken aim at the Pharmacy Guild as media pile-on continues Communications Director for the Consumers Health Forum Mark Metherell has penned a …