Antifungals: it’s a section of the pharmacy that doesn’t have a lot of glamour, and often doesn’t attract a lot of attention Customers are often embarrassed and prefer to self-select …

An American chiropractor is reportedly startled at the negative reaction to his novel method of dealing with menstruation: “potty training” the period with lipstick Dr Dan Dopps, CEO and President …

A gathering of leading minds across pharmacy advocacy and practice has reaffirmed the urgent need for a robust, sustainable, independent process to transform Australia’s pharmacy workforce following an Advanced Practice …

We want to hear from pharmacist employees and owners The pharmacists’ union, Professional Pharmacists Australia, has slammed the Fair Work Commission’s decision on Thursday that it would slash penalty rates. …

Sunday and public holiday pay rates have been cut in the pharmacy industry as well as others, but who will it impact most? Shirley Jackson, PhD Candidate in Political Economy, University …

“So, Sunday penalty rates halved for permanent community pharmacy employees. Fair enough? Or not?” Post a comment. Other current topics in the AJP Discussion Forum include:   Show us ya …

Pharmacists can play a key role in helping prevent and treat vision loss, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen We rely on our eyes for many of our …

The 600,000 older Australians who suffer from back pain have a 13% increased risk of dying from any cause, University of Sydney research has found Published in the European Journal …

A NSW pharmacist who was found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct has had his compounding rights severely restricted Back in April 2016, Mr Nicholas Bova was found …

The Pharmacy Guild says it welcomes the Fair Work Commission decision on penalty rates, which it describes as “reasonable, balanced and evidence-based” Once implemented, this decision will help enable community …

Our readers are up in arms about the decision to slash penalty rates, with many saying it will drive pharmacists out  Readers of AJP have responded angrily to today’s decision …

The PSA has urged pharmacy owners to continue paying their employee pharmacists above award rates PSA commented on the Fair Work Commission’s decision on penalty rates and other conditions in …