Latest data from AHPRA show a 20% increase in complaints and concerns, including a 17% increase in mandatory notifications The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the National Boards …

Greg Hunt may have been named as the new Minister for Health and Sport, but it appears that he’s not the first choice of Australia’s pharmacists Earlier this week we …

Mental health and Medicare—on which he has already been challenged by stakeholders—are two key issues for the new Minister for Health and Sport, he said today In a press release …

The Guild is planning to improve its engagement with members in what is set to be a watershed year for pharmacy The Guild “absolutely” recognises the need to be fully …

New Health Minister Greg Hunt is a good listener and the Guild is looking forward to engaging with him very soon, says Victorian Guild branch president and constituent Anthony Tassone …

The PM has announced that Greg Hunt will be taking the health portfolio following Ley’s resignation over travel expenses  Mr Hunt moves from his position as the Minister for Industry, …

Handling the pressures of pharmacy is no mean feat… but we can take a few lessons from one aviation hero, writes Vanessa Lontos On November 4th 2010, Captain Richard Champion …

The Australian Community Pharmacy Authority has been ordered to reconsider its rejection of an application to supply pharmaceutical benefits from a WA medical centre An initial application for a pharmacy …

A new study has shown the need for better patient information to combat the low uptake of whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy in New Zealand The research1 from University of Otago …

The union for employee pharmacists is preparing legal actions to recover thousands of dollars owing to those who have been underpaid Professional Pharmacists Australia says it is “putting pharmacy owners …

A longitudinal, randomised, double-blind study shows a 32% reduced risk for asthma in children whose mothers took fish oil supplements during third trimester A large study published in the New …

Benzodiazepines and related drugs increase stroke risk among persons with Alzheimer’s disease Use of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like drugs has been associated with a 20% increased risk of stroke among persons …