Senator Nick Xenophon has taken aim at the controversial $1 optional PBS copayment discount introduced by the Coalition Government, saying this is a “flawed” policy which burdens community pharmacy. In …

Australia needs to stop seeing health spending as a crisis and focus on opportunities instead, says Greens leader Richard di Natale – and pharmacy is a key element in doing …

There have now been 60 comments made in the AJP Discussion Forum on the new Real-Time Codeine Recording and Monitoring tool, MedsASSIST, including this one: “In case anyone is doubting …

If you’re not using MedsASSIST, you’re helping neither patients nor pharmacy, writes Samantha Kourtis Since MedsASSIST was rolled out and I decided to use it in my pharmacy, I’ve experienced …

Comedian to highlight pharmacy conference line-up The newest confernece in community pharmacy – Pharmacy Connect – promises a night of dining, entertainment and networking at its gala dinner, on Saturday …

Initial claims have been dismissed, but there is an opportunity to make further submissions on both sides GlaxoSmithKline’s legal proceeding against Apotex and Generic Partners over its paracetamol products has …

The future of immunisation looks bright in Australia, says PHAA CEO and president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations Michael Moore, but a “whole of life” vaccination register …

Five initiatives to increase the professional role of pharmacists In its 2016 Election Manifesto, the PSA has set out its key agenda items for the future of community pharmacy and …

The consumer advocacy group is calling for a sweeping range of changes across healthcare policy In its election manifesto released on Tuesday 7 June, the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) has …

Discount Drug Stores has named its Pharmacy of the Year and announced a series of transformations to its customer service model, at its 2016 national conference in Sydney. The group’s …

Complementary medicines research is needed to build the evidence base about the safety, efficacy and public health benefits of these products and better inform health care policy decisions, ASMI has …

Health Check: is man flu real? Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle “Man flu” is a colloquial term based on the idea that men respond to symptoms of the common …